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1# This is loader.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can
2# set to change the default load behavior of your system. You should
3# not edit this file! Put any overrides into one of the
4# loader_conf_files instead and you will be able to update these
5# defaults later without spamming your local configuration information.
7# All arguments must be in double quotes.
9# $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf 216829 2010-12-31 00:21:41Z yongari $
9# $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf 217688 2011-01-21 10:26:26Z pluknet $
12### Basic configuration options ############################
15exec=".( Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf ) cr"
17kernel="kernel" # /boot sub-directory containing kernel and modules

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94#kern.maxbcache="" # Set the max buffer cache KVA storage
95#kern.maxdsiz="" # Set the max data size
96#kern.maxfiles="" # Set the sys. wide open files limit
97#kern.maxproc="" # Set the maximum # of processes
98#kern.maxssiz="" # Set the max stack size
99#kern.maxswzone="" # Set the max swmeta KVA storage
100#kern.maxtsiz="" # Set the max text size
101#kern.maxusers="32" # Set size of various static tables
102#kern.msgbufsize="" # Set size of kernel message buffer
103#kern.nbuf="" # Set the number of buffer headers
104#kern.ncallout="" # Set the maximum # of timer events
105#kern.ngroups="1023" # Set the maximum # of supplemental groups
106#kern.sgrowsiz="" # Set the amount to grow stack"2000" # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
108#kern.ipc.maxsockets="" # Set the maximum number of sockets avaliable
109#kern.ipc.nmbclusters="" # Set the number of mbuf clusters
110#kern.ipc.nmbufs="" # Set the maximum number of mbufs

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