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crunch.conf (164491) crunch.conf (173597)
2# $FreeBSD: head/release/picobsd/bridge/crunch.conf 164491 2006-11-22 00:33:19Z rodrigc $
2# $FreeBSD: head/release/picobsd/bridge/crunch.conf 173597 2007-11-14 05:42:54Z luigi $
4# configuration file for "bridge" floppy.
5# Depending on your needs, almost surely you will need to
6# modify your configuration to add/remove/change programs used in
7# the floppy image. Remember that some programs also require
8# matching kernel options to enable device drivers etc.
10# Next to most of the programs i have tried to indicate the approximate

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172ln sshd ssh1
173ln sshd scp
174#libs /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a
176libs -ll # used by sh
177libs -lufs # used by mount
178### ee uses ncurses instead of curses
179libs -ledit -lutil -lmd -lcrypt -lmp -lm -lkvm
4# configuration file for "bridge" floppy.
5# Depending on your needs, almost surely you will need to
6# modify your configuration to add/remove/change programs used in
7# the floppy image. Remember that some programs also require
8# matching kernel options to enable device drivers etc.
10# Next to most of the programs i have tried to indicate the approximate

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172ln sshd ssh1
173ln sshd scp
174#libs /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a
176libs -ll # used by sh
177libs -lufs # used by mount
178### ee uses ncurses instead of curses
179libs -ledit -lutil -lmd -lcrypt -lmp -lm -lkvm
180libs -lmytinfo -lz -lpcap -lwrap
180# libs -lmytinfo
181libs -lz -lpcap -lwrap
181libs -ltermcap -lgnuregex # -lcurses
182libs -lgeom
182libs -ltermcap -lgnuregex # -lcurses
183libs -lgeom