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README (96856) README (172421)
1$FreeBSD: head/etc/mtree/README 96856 2002-05-18 12:37:19Z ru $
1$FreeBSD: head/etc/mtree/README 172421 2007-10-03 05:44:27Z ru $
3Note: If you modify these files, please keep hier(7) updated!
5These files are used to create empty file hierarchies for building the
6system into. Some notes about working with them are placed here to try
7and keep them in good working order.
9 a) The files use 4 space indentation, and other than in the header

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22 d) Sanity checking changes to these files can be done by following
23 this procedure (the sed -e is ugly, but fixing mtree -c to
24 not emit the trailing white space would be even uglier):
26 mkdir /tmp/MTREE
27 mtree -deU -f BSD.X.dist -p /tmp/MTREE
28 mtree -cdin -k uname,gname,mode -p /tmp/MTREE | \
3Note: If you modify these files, please keep hier(7) updated!
5These files are used to create empty file hierarchies for building the
6system into. Some notes about working with them are placed here to try
7and keep them in good working order.
9 a) The files use 4 space indentation, and other than in the header

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22 d) Sanity checking changes to these files can be done by following
23 this procedure (the sed -e is ugly, but fixing mtree -c to
24 not emit the trailing white space would be even uglier):
26 mkdir /tmp/MTREE
27 mtree -deU -f BSD.X.dist -p /tmp/MTREE
28 mtree -cdin -k uname,gname,mode -p /tmp/MTREE | \
29 sed -e 's/ *$//' | tail +5 >
29 sed -e 's/ *$//' >
30 diff -u BSD.X.dist
31 rm -r /tmp/MTREE
33 Note that you will get some differences about /set lines,
34 and uname= gname= on certain directory areas, mainly man page
35 sections. This is caused by mtree not having a look ahead
36 mechanism for making better selections for these as it
37 traverses the hierarchy.

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden ---
30 diff -u BSD.X.dist
31 rm -r /tmp/MTREE
33 Note that you will get some differences about /set lines,
34 and uname= gname= on certain directory areas, mainly man page
35 sections. This is caused by mtree not having a look ahead
36 mechanism for making better selections for these as it
37 traverses the hierarchy.

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