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cbc_cksm.c (109998) cbc_cksm.c (111147)
1/* crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c */
2/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This package is an SSL implementation written
6 * by Eric Young (
7 * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
8 *

--- 79 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

88 tout1=tin[1];
89 }
90 if (out != NULL)
91 {
92 l2c(tout0,out);
93 l2c(tout1,out);
94 }
95 tout0=tin0=tin1=tin[0]=tin[1]=0;
1/* crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c */
2/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This package is an SSL implementation written
6 * by Eric Young (
7 * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
8 *

--- 79 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

88 tout1=tin[1];
89 }
90 if (out != NULL)
91 {
92 l2c(tout0,out);
93 l2c(tout1,out);
94 }
95 tout0=tin0=tin1=tin[0]=tin[1]=0;
96 /*
97 Transform the data in tout1 so that it will
98 match the return value that the MIT Kerberos
99 mit_des_cbc_cksum API returns.
100 */
101 tout1 = ((tout1 >> 24L) & 0x000000FF)
102 | ((tout1 >> 8L) & 0x0000FF00)
103 | ((tout1 << 8L) & 0x00FF0000)
104 | ((tout1 << 24L) & 0xFF000000);
96 return(tout1);
97 }
105 return(tout1);
106 }