Deleted Added
full compact
iptest.c (24583) iptest.c (26119)
2 * ipsend.c (C) 1995 Darren Reed
3 *
4 * This was written to test what size TCP fragments would get through
5 * various TCP/IP packet filters, as used in IP firewalls. In certain
6 * conditions, enough of the TCP header is missing for unpredictable
7 * results unless the filter is aware that this can happen.
8 *

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103 /*
104 * 65535 is maximum packet never know...
105 */
106 ip = (ip_t *)calloc(1, 65536);
107 ti = (struct tcpiphdr *)ip;
108 ip->ip_len = sizeof(*ip);
109 ip->ip_hl = sizeof(*ip) >> 2;
2 * ipsend.c (C) 1995 Darren Reed
3 *
4 * This was written to test what size TCP fragments would get through
5 * various TCP/IP packet filters, as used in IP firewalls. In certain
6 * conditions, enough of the TCP header is missing for unpredictable
7 * results unless the filter is aware that this can happen.
8 *

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103 /*
104 * 65535 is maximum packet never know...
105 */
106 ip = (ip_t *)calloc(1, 65536);
107 ti = (struct tcpiphdr *)ip;
108 ip->ip_len = sizeof(*ip);
109 ip->ip_hl = sizeof(*ip) >> 2;
111 while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "1234567IP:TUd:f:g:m:o:p:s:t:")) != -1)
111 while ((c = (char)getopt(argc, argv,
112 "1234567IP:TUd:f:g:m:o:p:s:t:")) != -1)
112 switch (c)
113 {
114 case '1' :
115 case '2' :
116 case '3' :
117 case '4' :
118 case '5' :
119 case '6' :

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden ---
113 switch (c)
114 {
115 case '1' :
116 case '2' :
117 case '3' :
118 case '4' :
119 case '5' :
120 case '6' :

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